Inside of NOVELLED

    1. Welcome

    2. Bestselling Mindset

    3. Prepping for Feedback

    1. Pantser or Plotter

    2. To Outline or Not to Outline

    3. Setting the Mood

    4. Protecting Your Writing Time

    5. Character or Plot Forward

    1. Creating Unforgettable Characters

    2. Captivating dialogue

    3. Pets, Animals, & Creatures

    1. World Formation

    2. Magic System Creation

    3. Magical Worlds vs. Nonmagical Worlds

    4. Politics & Special Interests

    1. Thinking in Scene

    2. Story Arcs

    3. How to Design Your Story

    1. Editor Brain—Activate!

    2. The Process of Editing

    3. When to Hire an Editor


  • $1,997.00
  • 23 lessons

Your time is now. Step into your author destiny!

The program starts May 8th, 2023, and the first 10 people in get a special 1:1 mentorship bonus that you can't buy outside of the program.